- In The Media
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- In The Media
- In The Media
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- In The Media
How does an OurStoryBridge project help a community?
How can a community help an OurStoryBridge project?
What types of organizations can run OurStoryBridge projects?
Why should I use the OurStoryBridge methodology vs. traditional oral histories?
Why do I need a dedicated website for my Partner Project?
How long does it take to set up an OurStoryBridge Partner Project?
What are the most frequent categories for stories collected?
How are storytellers recruited?
How long does it take to record and publish a story?
What are the personnel needs of an OurStoryBridge Partner Project?
What technical expertise do the Program Manager and Story Aide need?
Is it important to pursue collaborations?
What is the Teacher’s Guide?
How is privacy protected for storytellers under 18?
How do I access the OurStoryBridge User Guide and its supplemental training materials, Sample Documents and How-To Videos?
Can I get additional help outside of the online resources?
What is the cost of an OurStoryBridge project?
How is an OurStoryBridge project funded?
Are storytellers paid for their stories?
Are stories protected by copyright?
What are the technology and service provider needs for an OurStoryBridge project?
What if I want to take a story but don't have access to WiFi or a computer?
Can individual storytellers record and submit their own stories?
Can the entire story collection be backed up? What should be backed up?
If a Memria subscription is terminated, what happens to the stories?
How important is marketing to the success of an OurStoryBridge project?
How can I learn about current OurStoryBridge Partner Projects?
Does an OurStoryBridge project have an end point?
Can I get additional help outside of the online resources?
How can I help support OurStoryBridge?
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Copyright © 2024 by Jery Y. Huntley and OurStoryBridge Inc. All Rights Reserved.
This OurStoryBridge project was initially made possible by a Humanities New York grant, with support from the National Endowment for the Humanities, additional support from the Glenn and Carol Pearsall Foundation, Northern New York Library Network, and supportive community members and powered by Memria.org. Continuing support beyond year one has been generously provided by community members. Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this program do not necessarily represent those of the National Endowment for the Humanities or other sponsors.